
Speaking about C++ is tomorrow

Like in the last two years Meeting C++ is organizing an event about technical speaking at C++ conferences, aiming to help new speakers with their talks and give everyone a chance to pick up something to improve their talks! The call for talks for Meeting C++ 2024 is running until June 25th!

Speaking about C++

Organized by Jens Weller

From the event description:

This event will focus on the process of creating technical talks for the C++ community. Various speakers will share their views on how to submit, prepare and give talks to the C++ community in the form of lightning talks and a panel.

Starting a C++ project with CMake in 2024

A post on how I've recently started a new C++ project.

Starting a C++ project with CMake in 2024

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Last year I've written last year about my plans to return to C++, taking on some project ideas with C++20 and CMake.

The first project is now in its beginning, so I thought to share the steps so far. Some of this blog post is covered by my recent talk Starting a modern C++ project with CMake in 2024. In this post I'm going stay within the parts of the build tooling, following up with the code in other posts.

After working through the official CMake tutorial...


Releasing the keynotes of Meeting C++ 2023

Highlighting the current video releases for Meeting C++ 2023: the keynotes

With this year Meeting C++ had a unique set of keynotes, covering 6 impossible problems for software devs with the opening keynote by Kevlin Henney, followed by great wisdom about how open communities thrive by Lydia Pintscher. The closing keynote by Ivan Čukić was an impressive medley composing various idioms with Prog(ressive) C++.

All these keynotes are worth watching, a great contribution to our knowledge base as a community. Thanks to Kevlin Henney, Lydia Pintscher and Ivan Čukić for preparing these great presentations!

What do number conversions cost?

Exploring how much number conversions from string cost you and how caching helps

What do number conversions cost?

by Jens Weller

From the article:

And so the devil said: "what if there is an easier design AND implementation?"

In the last two blog posts I've been exploring some of the ways to implement a certain type that has a string_view and holds a conversion to a type in a variant or any. And my last blog post touched on conversions. And that made me wonder, what if I did not have a cache in the type for conversions? The memory foot print would be much smaller, and implementation could be simple to convert in a toType function on demand. This then would essentially be a type that holds a string_view, but offers ways to convert this view to a type. Adding a cache to hold the converted value is in this case not necessary, as this is done on demand.